February 12, 2025

The First Podcast

This is the Progressive Way, a place for Progressives to talk about what we care about and how to share our ideas with the rest of the country.

The plan is of this podcast to be a series of interviews with women and men in the Progressive community and we’ll share their thoughts and what it means to be a progressive and how they came to arrive at their political views.

I believe it’s important for Progressives to reflect on what we believe in and how we came to believe what we do.  I think that’s the best way to reflect on what we’re trying to communicate to a wider audience and find more ways, better ways, to connect with a broader audience about what we believe in.

So for this podcast, I’m going to share with you some of my thoughts about what it means to be a Progressive, why I put this show together, and how we can work together to create a better Progressive Way for our country.

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Intellectual connection
Emotional connection
Rating: 8.0/10 (1 vote cast)


  1. Jude Hockman says:

    I think I’ve just found my place in the political world! Having spent 15-20 years as a Dem-Lib-whatever, I longed for a sensible, thoughtful and practical direction, and I think this “Progressive Way” is what I’ve been seeking.
    Onward, forward! JH

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