September 15, 2024

A Progressive Way

Featured posts and interviews on progressive ideals and strategy, highlighting opinion leaders and issues important to the progressive community.

Smoking Super PACs: what anti-smoking campaigns can teach progressives

When progressives attack Super PACs, are we saying average voters are too stupid to make up their own minds when faced with these ads? So what are progressives to do? Think about the campaign against smoking.

Terry O’Neill, President of NOW: Her path to progressive action.

  Terry begins the interview with a description of her family and why she started, stopped, then resumed her political activism after a 20 year break,  She then talks about how she found a home with NOW, the similarities and… [Continue Reading]

What Labor brings to the Progressive Movement: an interview with union activist Paul Lemmon.

Paul Lemmon is the classic labor organizer, the mix of agitator and educator key to the success of unions in America. Through a decades-long career with the United Mine Workers to his recent retirement from the AFL-CIO as assistant to… [Continue Reading]

Independents are not just moderate: the latest polling research from the Pew Center for the People and the Press

Listening to the American political conversation is not a clear flip through digital channels, it is more like tuning in a radio. You need to pay attention and hear where the signal breaks through the noise. The Pew Research Center… [Continue Reading]

The Progressive Era for today’s progressives: an interview with John Halpin, Center for American Progress.

John Halpin is a Senior Fellow at the Center for the American Progress where he is the co-director and creator of its Progressive Studies Program. The progressive era is the topic of the podcast–the time from 1890’s to the 1920s… [Continue Reading]

Celinda Lake: Progressives are not seizing opportunities.

Celinda Lake is a leading pollster for the Progressive Democratic community in America. With over three decades in the field, she has learned a great deal about American voters and how we respond to progressive ideals. Our conversation with Celinda… [Continue Reading]

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree – a Progressive island.

For mainlanders, islands are about getting away. But there is another lesson about island life–one of community and having to find ways to work together with neighbors to identify priorities and do what needs to be done to ensure a… [Continue Reading]

“It’s about Independence.” An interview with Representative Raul Grijalva

In a series about being progressive in America, it made sense to start our interviews with Representative Raul Grijalva, co-chair of the 75 member Progressive Caucus in the U.S. Congress. We are the history we’ve lived through. Our life experiences,… [Continue Reading]

The First Podcast

This is the Progressive Way, a place for Progressives to talk about what we care about and how to share our ideas with the rest of the country. The plan is of this podcast to be a series of interviews… [Continue Reading]