September 15, 2024

Independents are not just moderate: the latest polling research from the Pew Center for the People and the Press

Listening to the American political conversation is not a clear flip through digital channels, it is more like tuning in a radio. You need to pay attention and hear where the signal breaks through the noise. The Pew Research Center… [Continue Reading]

Island heath care and Progressives, a story from Rep. Chellie Pingree.

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree has lived her adult life on Maine’s North Haven Island, a place with just 350 people. This is a story she tells about what we can all learn from life on her island. –An excerpt from Episode… [Continue Reading]

One Example from my Life

I grew up in Akron, Ohio, reaching political age in the 1980’s when everything in Akron just went downhill. When I was growing up it was the place where practically every tire in the country came from, it was the… [Continue Reading]

Pursuit of Happiness

  For progressives, democracy is not an accidental making; it is a thoughtful project and, in each incarnation, has the same drive—the pursuit of happiness.  Jefferson’s “happiness” is not personal. It is a social notion of the greatest good done… [Continue Reading]

Rep. Raul Grijalva – Progressives should assert their independence.

One of the things I think progressives are expected to do, and should do more of, is assert their independence. I’m a Democrat, have been, will continue to be a Democrat. But for a progressive in the Democratic Party, it… [Continue Reading]

“It’s about Independence.” An interview with Representative Raul Grijalva

In a series about being progressive in America, it made sense to start our interviews with Representative Raul Grijalva, co-chair of the 75 member Progressive Caucus in the U.S. Congress. We are the history we’ve lived through. Our life experiences,… [Continue Reading]